
Top Supplements for Colitis

Knowing you are stuck with a disease or condition that can drastically change how you live is intimidating – to say the least. Staying up late searching Google can drive you mad. Searching through pages and pages of results to determine which are legit and which are just someone’s random opinion can waste a lot of time. And do not forget to add “anxiety from the overwhelming amount of information” to your list of symptoms. To make having your illness a bit more manageable – and yes, we know that is already worth it – we are going to break down some of the most popular supplements for IBD and see how exactly they can help alleviate your symptoms. Let's start with...

Ulcerative Colitis

Probiotics and Ulcerative Colitis – seems you can’t have one without the other
What’s the deal with probiotics? Are there really only pros of probiotics? See what we did there? 

When you have colitis, inflammation in your large intestine is the name of the game. Taking probiotics can help prevent flare-ups by addressing the root cause of the condition. Strong evidence supports the notion that UC is caused by immune system problems in the intestines. The theory is UC causes an imbalance of bacteria in the large intestine that prompts your immune system to launch an attack against your own body. 

Introducing good bacteria into your digestive system to balance things out can help reduce the frequency of flare-ups. How? By getting to the heart – or in this case, colon – of the matter. Supplements containing both probiotics and prebiotics work hard to balance your gut bacteria, which will lessen the number of occurrences of diarrhea and other unpleasant symptoms of UC. Prebiotics act as food for certain kinds of bacteria, helping to break them down before they enter your gut and cause problems. Prebiotics also encourage your gut to increase the population of its own probiotics. Using a probiotic supplement that has a variety of probiotic strains and prebiotics can naturally control outbreaks of symptoms associated with colitis. 


Turmeric and Ulcerative Colitis – getting to the root of the problem
Turmeric is a spice that has been used for thousands of years in East India and the Middle East for its ability to reduce inflammation in the body. Its prowess as an anti-inflammatory is finally catching on in the Western world as it becomes more widely known and praised. 

People living with mild to moderate UC have found relief for some of their worst symptoms when adding turmeric to their diets. Why? Inflammation causes most of the symptoms associated with UC because the body’s normal defense against “invading” viruses and bacteria involves attacking the cells in the digestive tract. Turmeric contains the chemical curcumin, which is beneficial in helping to control inflammation . Taking a turmeric supplement can help sufferers achieve remission from symptoms sooner. A quality turmeric supplement also helps extend the period between achieving remission and relapse. If your UC causes painful bouts of diarrhea, taking a turmeric supplement can help your colon form firmer stools and eliminate the need for more frequent bowel movements. When your plumbing isn’t backed up, you also may experience relief from the gas and bloating that accompanies UC. 


Boswellia Extract and UC – getting the inside tract on inflammation
Boswellia Extract – known by the more common name, Frankincense – is an amazing herb that is found in the bark of the Boswellia serrata tree. Research points to its ability to stop inflammation in the body, which is why so many people living with Ulcerative Colitis add it to their diets. 

How does something derived from the bark of a tree in India help reduce your flare-ups and lessen the severity of symptoms from UC? It is simple. The acids in Boswellia effectively prevent the formation of leukotrienes in our bodies. So, what does that even mean? Well, leukotrienes are the molecules in the body that scientists have identified as the root cause of inflammation in the body. Boswellia has four acids, with the most powerful being Acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid (AKBA). Studies have shown the potent acids in Boswellia perform comparatively with prescription medications designed for the treatment of UC. A study revealed that in addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, Boswellia did not adversely affect the organs surrounding the colon. It also is helpful in addressing pain without the added complication of causing ulcers. 


Marshmallow Root and Ulcerative Colitis- keep calm and pain relieve on 
When you are living with Ulcerative Colitis, controlling inflammation in your body is an important part of the management equation. Marshmallow Root is a great supplement to have in your toolbox in your fight against this painful condition. Not to be confused with the fluffy white confectionary goodies we roast over a fire – which can actually cause a flare up for people battling UC – Marshmallow Root is an herb with the astonishing power to reduce inflammation. 

So how, exactly, does Marshmallow Root help with UC? And why is it so effective at controlling inflammation? When you have UC, inflammation in the bowel can cause abdominal discomfort, gas, bloating, and bouts of constipation that lead to painful bowel movements. Who needs that? Adding Marshmallow to your regimen is simple. Its leaves and roots are turned into a tea, tincture, or supplement that successfully attacks inflammation and reduces your pain. This remarkable herb also doubles as an analgesic, which can soothe the pain associated with UC. Marshmallow is naturally high in mucilage, which works to reduce irritation to the lining of your colon. That pain you’re feeling every so often from UC? Try killing it with some mucilage.


Slippery Elm and Ulcerative Colitis – it’s slime to call in the best (treatment)
The slimy, red inner bark of this tree may look a little gross – kind of like the inside of a colon – but it works wonders in relieving the symptoms associated with Ulcerative Colitis. If you’ve never heard of this powerhouse, it grows in the central and eastern United States and in Ontario, Canada. 

You can thank the Native Americans for discovering the hidden power of this tree. They figured out that when you mix the bark with water, a sticky material called mucilage is created. Like its friend Marshmallow, Slippery Elm is rich in mucilage. When used correctly, it reduces irritation in the lining of the colon and acts as a pain reliever to lessen the aching and discomfort associated with UC. It offers a two-fer in that it protects irritated bowel tissues while promoting their healing. There are many ways you can work Slippery Elm into your diet. You can drink it in a tea, or take it in pill form. Slippery Elm doesn’t just soothe the harsh symptoms of UC. It also helps reduce inflammation in the colon, which is another troublesome marker of Ulcerative Colitis. 

Now that we know what supplements help UC, it's time to dive deeper into which brands of these supplements were rated highly by people with Ulcerative Colitis. Not all supplements are created equal, so if you're already on the hunt for supplements to alleviate your symptoms, you might as well do your research and find which were rated highly by people who share your same challenges. 
To make it easy, we've gathered all the top supplements for UC, rated by people who share your challenges, for you here. 


Written by: CureRate

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