
CureRate Your Way To Feeling Better

Everything your chronic illness doesn't want you to know. Tips on how to feel better, latest research, success stories - all in one place.
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Put your best PCOS face forward with these supplements

Top 5 supplements for PCOS acne If you're struggling with PCOS and acne, you're not alone. Thankfully, there are several supplements that have been shown to be effective in not only managing but improving your PCOS acne. Get to know the top 5 supplements and then head to CureRate and chec...
Ulcerative Colitis

4 Tips for Dealing With a Diagnosis of a Chronic Illness

4 Tips for Dealing With the Diagnosis of a Chronic Health Condition If you have recently been diagnosed with a chronic health condition, you may need to alter your lifestyle to enhance your quality of life. Chronic health conditions can be debilitating, and you must take measures and ca...
Ulcerative Colitis

What helps urgency with Ulcerative Colitis, IBS, and Crohn's?

IBS! It's time. But you're looking everywhere... and you can feel the stress build up in your stomach. Oh no. We don't have much time left. If only you could control your thoughts and calm your body down. Well, there are a few things you can do. And that starts with knowing how to calm you...

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What helps PCOS hair loss?

PCOS is bad enough without adding hair loss to your list of symptoms. And then it happens. Hair starts shedding. You find yourself counting hairs in the shower. You hope it slows down but no slowing down is in sight. Is there anything to do aside from counting strands and trying to put the...
Ulcerative Colitis

Top supplements for IBD

The Top Supplements and Relief for IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, and Other IBDs Knowledge is power, and knowledge about your IBD can help you lead a more active and enjoyable life. For example, did you know that certain foods may help minimize IBD symptoms? Or that lifestyle changes c...