
Please tell me I don’t have to use steroids. What are my other options?

A lot of doctors offer one solution for treating psoriasis – steroids, steroids... and did we mention, steroids?  Though they can help relieve your symptoms, they also come with their fair share of issues.  These topical creams can change your skin pigmentation, cause you to bruise easily, thin your skin, dilate the blood vessels on the surface of your skin, increase redness, and even leave stretch marks.  Not to mention, they’re often thick and greasy, and they come with a long list of restrictions. Luckily, you have a lot of other options.  There are several, easily accessible alternative treatments that are effective at alleviating psoriasis symptoms, with far fewer side effects.


You’ve likely heard about coal tar and salicylic acid, two commonly recommended alternatives to steroids.  Salicylic acid is easily the most popular of the pair. It’s unique in that it causes the outer layer of your skin to shed.  It works to lift, soften, and remove psoriasis scaling, and you’ll find it in ointments, shampoos, and creams.  And we know what you’re thinking about coal tar – coal and tar for my skin?  But trust us on this one.  Coal tar is tar derived from coal and wood, and it’s used for medicinal purposes only.  It helps slow the rapid growth of skin cells, and it helps reduce scaling, itchiness, and inflammation.  It can also restore your skin’s smoothness.  You can find it in shampoos, soaps, and ointments, among other products. Find top coal tar for Psoriasis, reviewed by the CureRate Psoriasis community here.  


There are additional alternatives that are used to treat other skin conditions like poison ivy and eczema that can work for psoriasis, too.  Apple cider vinegar has been used for rashes and skin diseases since the late 18th century.  When you apply it to your scalp, the acetic acid in the vinegar exfoliates dead skin cells and kills bacteria.  This process relieves itchiness and provides much-needed relief.  For best results, try it in a specially formulated shampoo and conditioner. Find top-rated Apple Cider Vinegar reviewed by people with Psoriasis, here


Dead Sea salts contain important minerals like magnesium, calcium, and zinc, which can improve your skin’s health and appearance.  These salts also remove dead skin cells, reduce redness and itching, moisturize your skin, kill bacteria and fungi, and increase your skin’s ability to absorb creams down to its deepest layers.  A 2012 study also showed how Dead Sea salt heals damage from skin diseases like psoriasis.  Soak in a warm bath of Dead Sea salts for just 15 minutes for relief.

Not all Dead Sea salts are created equally. Look for those reviewed by people who share your same challenges, and choose the right fit for you. We've curated top dead sea salts reviewed by the Psoriasis community here


There’s also turmeric, which does a lot more than add flavor to your favorite curry dishes.  It contains a compound called curcumin, which has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, with no known side effects.  Research has shown that turmeric is far more effective at treating psoriasis than pharmaceuticals.  


If you have sensitive skin, and you’re worried about how it will react to new ingredients, colloidal oatmeal is for you.  It’s less likely to cause skin irritation, and a 2010 study found that it actually stops the skin from releasing chemicals that cause inflammation.  Colloidal oatmeal can also reduce itchiness and redness.  It’s commonly found in creams, soaps, and bath treatments.


And last but not least, there’s aloe vera, which can help heal wounds and improve skin hydration.  It can also reduce redness and scaling.  In a 2018 study, psoriasis patients who used a topical treatment with aloe vera for 12 weeks saw notable improvements in their symptoms.  Look for aloe vera in healing creams, rash creams, and gels.


Though steroids are often doctors’ first choice in treating psoriasis, take the time to explore all the available options, rated and reviewed by people with Psoriasis, and choose what’s right for you.




Written by: CureRate

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