
What helps PCOS infertility?

From Flo to Fertile

Some guests are just attention grabbers. They turn up in the middle of the night, announcing their arrival with intense, stabbing abdominal pain. We all know that living with PCOS means erratic – and excruciating – visits from Aunt Flo.

PCOS also is infamous for messing with a gal’s fertility since it interrupts the normal menstrual cycle. An estimated 80 percent of women with PCOS have infertility issues. Each month, a follicle matures and is supposed to prompt fertilization. If it doesn’t get fertilized, the uterus isn’t prompted to prepare itself for pregnancy, so it begins “shedding” – otherwise known as menstruation. PCOS prevents follicle maturation. PCOS is more difficult to treat than other causes of infertility since researchers still struggle to pinpoint an exact cause of PCOS. They know what happens to a woman’s hormones but are unsure why it happens in the first place. PCOS-driven infertility requires a different course of action than typical infertility treatments since the underlying causes are different.

Yo, Flo! Stop messing around in there!

What is it about PCOS that messes with our monthlies? Suppression is the name of the game. Thanks to an overproduction of estrogen by the ovaries, PCOS can interfere with regular monthly ovulation. It is a vicious cycle that keeps building month after month until a woman’s egg quality is severely diminished. Even during those rare times when her ovaries produce some eggs, they may not be up to par.

Complicating matters is the fact that up to 80 percent of women with PCOS also are insulin resistant, which can lead to obesity. Obese women with PCOS have greater difficulty becoming pregnant, and there is some question as to whether infertility treatment is ideal for them.

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Does this mean PCOS will prevent you from adding a few kidlets to the mix? Absolutely not. There is hardly a shortage of medical interventions for PCOS-related infertility. Unfortunately, many of those solutions come with harsh side effects and can fall into the category of the medicine being worse than the disease. Women who are looking for more natural alternatives are in luck. We have the low-down on getting the flow down to help regulate cycles and prep that belly for baby land.

  1. A rose by any other name - Primrose Oil for Infertility 

    Evening primrose oil is naturally rich in Omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 6 fatty acids can help control both pain and irregular periods, boosting a woman’s chances of conceiving. It works by changing the concentration of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone), and testosterone hormones. Women with PCOS often overproduce LH, leading to higher levels of male hormones. When that happens, the follicle is never stimulated or released, and ovulation doesn’t occur. Evening primrose oil supports the regulation of LH to help keep the number of male hormones produced in check.

    View top Primrose Oils for PCOS here. All rated & reviewed by the PCOS community. 
  2. Getting to the (maca) root of the problem - Maca Root for Infertility

    Quality is the name of the game when supplementing with Maca Root. This amazing little herb is known to communicate directly with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, regulating hormones to appropriate levels. Women with PCOS overproduce androgens (male hormones). The imbalanced hormones work against one other, and the ovaries are unable to produce and release any eggs. Consistently including Maca Root extract in your diet helps regulate hormones and the menstrual cycle, which stimulates ovulation.

    Not all Maca Root can help alleviate PCOS infertility. View top Maca Root for PCOS here. All rated & reviewed by the PCOS community. 
  3. Stop ovary-reacting and go with the flow - Chaste Berry (Vitex) for Infertility 

    It seems oddly appropriate that a plant known as chaste berry, also known as Vitex, is one of the best ways to boost fertility when baby-making is in the cards. Also known as Vitex agnus-castus, the berries from this plant help regulate periods by controlling the level of prolactin in your body. When prolactin levels are too high, it can stop your period, causing infertility.

    View top Vitex supplements here. All rated & Reviewed by the PCOS community. 
  4. Increase your chances with Inositol - Inositol for Infertility

    Inositol or even more specifically, myo and d-chiro-inositol are one of the most popular and most researched supplements for PCOS infertility. They are in the family of B complex vitamins, inositol has shown to restore ovulation and better oocyte quality. It does this by reducing the levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream, which are responsible for improving insulin function and blood pressure. When combined with folic acid, it can boost fertility greatly. 

    Discover the top Inositol for PCOS, reviewed only by people who have PCOS here

PCOS can make it a little harder to go forth and multiply, but that does not mean you should give up your dreams to have a family. Conquer PCOS-related infertility with any combination of these natural solutions. 

View top supplements for PCOS infertility, all reviewed by the PCOS CureRate community here

Written by: CureRate

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